TeV Particle Astrophysics 2007
27-31 August. Istituto Veneto, Venice (Italy)

(updated October 2, 2007)


Monday 27 Tuesday 28 Wednesday 29 Thursday 30 Friday 31

Plenary Session (9am)
Room: Sala del Portego
Chair: Antonio Masiero
Plenary Session (9am)
Room: Sala del Portego
Chair: Olga Mena
Plenary Session (9am)
Room: Sala del Portego
Chair: Angela Olinto
Plenary Session (9am)
Room: Sala del Portego
Chair: Gianfranco Bertone

9am - G. Busetto and A. Masiero (10')

9.10am - G. Bertone (15')
Overview (PDF)

9.25am - A. Olinto (35'+5')
Latest results from the Pierre Auger Observatory (PDF)

10.05am - L. Bergstrom (35'+5')
Indirect Dark Matter searches (PDF)


11.15am - A. Green (35'+5')
Dark Matter Distribution on small scales (PDF)

11.45am - L. Drury (35'+5')
The Future for ground-based Gamma-ray Astronomy (PDF)

9am - T. Stanev (35'+5')
High energy neutrinos: sources and fluxes (PDF)

9.40am - C. Spiering (35'+5')
Neutrino Telescopes:  Status and prospects (PDF)

10.20am - C. Quigg (35'+5')
LHC and the future of particle physics (PDF)


11.30am - I. Antoniadis (35'+5')
Physics and signatures of extra dimensions (PDF)

12.10pm - G. Servant (35'+5')
Dark matter and  electroweak symmetry breaking (PDF)

9am - I. Moskalenko (35'+5')
Matter and Antimatter in Cosmic Rays (PDF)

9.40 am - G. Chardin (35'+5')
Dark Matter searches with cryogenic experiments (PDF)

10.20am - A. Rubbia (35'+5')
Dark Matter searches with liquid noble elements (PDF)


11.30am - L. Covi (35'+5')
Gravitino Dark Matter (PDF)

12.10pm - M. Battaglia (35'+5')
Determination of dark
matter properties at high-energy colliders
9am - D. Semikoz (35'+5')
Multi-messenger approach to UHECRs (PDF)

9.40am - W. Hofmann (35'+5')
Latest results
from ground based gamma-ray telescopes

10.20am - P. Michelson (35'+5')


11.30am - M. Tavani (35'+5')
AGILE  in orbit (PDF)

12.10pm - C. Quigg (40')
Summary Talk

12.50pm - A. Masiero (10')
Remarks (PDF)

1pm - G. Bertone (5')
Announcement of TeVPA'08
Afternoon Afternoon Afternoon Afternoon

Parallel Session 1:
Gamma-ray Astrophysics
Convenors: F. Aharonian and L. Drury
Room: Sala del Portego
Parallel Session 4:
Convenors: J. Beacom and F. Halzen
Room: Sala del Portego
Parallel Session 7:
DM Direct Detection
Convenors: L. Baudis and L. Kaufmann
Room: Sala del Giardino

3-7 pm Registration

5pm Welcome Cocktail

7.30pm Visit to San Marco Mosaics

3pm - D. Berge
Very-High-Energy Gamma-Ray Observations of Galactic Supernova Remnants (PDF)
3.16pm -
S. Carrigan
Establishing a connection between high-power pulsars and very-high-energy gamma-ray sources
3.32pm - E. Brion
A detailed morphology of the W 28 region  at TeV energies as revealed by H.E.S.S.
3.48pm - B. Katz  
In which shell-type SNRs should we look for gamma-rays and neutrinos from p-p collisions?
4.04pm - S. Gabici 
Searching for galactic cosmic ray PeVatrons with multi-TeV gamma rays and neutrinos
4.20pm - D. Guetta  
High energy emission from internal shocks in Gamma Ray Bursts (PDF)


5pm - T. Venters
The Spectral Index Distribution of Blazars
5.16pm - T. Totani
The Past High Activity of the Galactic Center and the 511 keV Annihilation Line Emission
5.48pm - V. Pavlidou 
Cosmology and Low-energy Astrophysics  with Gamma-ray Observations
6.04pm - R. Gilmore 
The Extragalactic Background Light  and Absorption in Gamma Ray Spectra
6.20pm -
S. Wagner   
Constraints on quantum gravity from fast TeV gamma-ray flares of AGN
6.36pm - L.  Maccione 
New Crab Nebula limits on Planck-scale suppressed LV in QED
3pm - D. Hooper
High energy neutrinos from extragalactic sources
3.16pm - A. Margiotta
The ANTARES neutrino telescope
3.32pm - F. Jouvenot
Sensitivity of KM3NeT deep-sea
neutrino telescope to galactic sources (PDF)
3.48pm - M. Bonesini
HARP results and implications for astrophysical neutrino production
4.04pm - G. Hill
Diffuse high-energy neutrino searches in AMANDA-II and IceCube
4.20pm - C. Rott
Potential of the IceCube array for reconstruction of low energy events


5pm -
K. Murase
High Energy Neutrino Emission from Gamma-Ray Bursts
5.16pm - I. Taboada
Neutrinos from GRBs and other high energy transients with IceCube
5.32pm - M. Kowalski
Searching for high-energy neutrino transient sources
5.48pm - D. Williams
Future extension of the IceCube array with radio detectors
6.04pm - A. Leisos
A sea top infrastructure for calibrating an underwater neutrino telescope
6.20pm - M. Tluczykont
The Multi Messenger Approach and the MAGIC/IceCube ToO Program
6.36pm - F. Descamps
Feasibility study for acoustic neutrino detection in ice: The South Pole Acoustic Test Setup
3pm - M. Trotta
3.25pm - D. Cerdeno
WIMPs identification through a
simultaneous measurement of axial
and scalar couplings(PDF)
3.50pm - J. Filippini



5pm - D. McKinsey
Xenon10 (PDF)
5.25pm - N. Smith
Zeplin (PDF)
5.50pm - L. Kaufmann
6.15pm - A. Liolios
6.40pm - H. Nishimura

Parallel Session 2:
Cosmic Rays
(3pm - 7pm, 1/2 hour
coffee break at 4.30pm)
Convenors: P. Blasi, D. Grasso
Room: Sala Alta
Parallel Session 5:
TeV Particle Physics
(3pm - 7pm, 1/2 hour coffee break at 4.30pm)
Convenors: E. Baltz & G. Servant
Room: Sala del Giardino
Parallel Session 8:
Gamma-ray experiments
(3pm - 7pm, 1/2 hour coffee break at 4.30pm)
Convenors: M. Martinez and G. Sinnis
Room: Sala Alta

3pm - R. Aloisio
Transition from Galactic to Extra-Galactic Cosmic Rays
3.25pm - K.H. Kampert
Cosmic Ray Observations around and above the knee
3.50pm - T. Stanev
IceTop Status in 2007
4.15pm - J.P. Wefel
A Brief Review of Cosmic Ray Astrophysics: From GeV to PeV


5pm - J. Aoi
The effect of energy amplification variance on the shock acceleration
5.15pm - R. Budnik
Cosmic rays from trans-relativistic supernovae
5.30pm - S. Gabici
Gamma ray signatures of ultra high energy cosmic ray accelerators:
electromagnetic cascade
5.45pm - V. Kocharovsky
The converter acceleration mechanism for potential sources of ultra-high energy cosmic rays
6pm - K. Kotera
Inhomogeneous magnetic fields and the Second Knee in the cosmic ray spectrum
6.15pm - A. Marcowith
The Fermi acceleration process in astrophysical shocks
6.30pm - R. Sparvoli
Cosmic ray measurements with the space telescope PAMELA: a status report
3pm - M. Fairbairn (30')
Stable massive particles at colliders
3.30pm - M. Lisanti
Unification and Dark Matter in a Minimal Scalar  Extension of the Standard Model
3.50pm - M. Cirelli
Minimal Dark Matter
4.10pm - R. Trotta
New statistical inference tools for SUSY searches


5pm - A. Boyarsky
Searching for sterile neutrino Dark Matter
5.20pm - T. Hambye
EW symmetry breaking induced by Dark Matter
5.40pm - M. Senami
Dark matter abundance in universal extra dimension  models
6pm - I. Albuquerque
Signals for Universal Extra Dimensions in  Neutrino Telescopes
6.20pm - S. Matsumoto
Cosmology of Gravitino LSP Scenario with Right- Handed Sneutrino NLSP
6.40pm - S. Bass
Electroweak baryogenesis and "topological condensates"

3pm - J. Goodman (20'+5')
HAWC - A Wide Field TeV Observatory
3.25pm - M. Ohnishi (17'+3')
Gamma-ray Observation with the Tibet ASgamma  Experiment
3.45pm - I. DeMitri(17'+3')
First results from the ARGO-YBJ experiment
4.05pm - F. Longo (17'+3')
Gamma-ray astrophysics with GLAST


5pm -
T. Nakamori (17'+3')
Status of the CANGAROO-III
5.20pm - N. Turini (20'+5')  
 The MAGIC experiment
5.45pm - T. Ergin (20'+5') 
TeV Gamma-ray Astronomy with the VERITAS Array (PDF)
6.10pm - F. Feinstein (17'+3')
H.E.S.S phase II
6.30pm - D.Paneque (5')
The role of GLAST in multiwavelength observations of bright TeV blazars (PDF)
6.35pm - D. Paneque (13'+2')
Study of the Variable VHE emission from Markarian 501
6.50pm - A. Sakharov (12'+1')
Quantum Gravity and the Mkr 501 flare from MAGIC
7.03pm -
M. Roncadelli (12'+1')
Evidence for a new light boson from cosmological gamma-ray propagation?

Parallel Session 3:
DM Indirect detection
(3pm - 7pm, 1/2 hour
coffee break at 4.30pm)
Convenors: N. Fornengo and D. Hooper
Room: Sala del Giardino
Parallel Session 6:
DM distribution and Indirect detection
(3pm - 7pm, 1/2 hour coffee break at 4.30pm)
Convenors: J. Diemand and J. Taylor
Room: Sala Alta
Parallel Session 9:
Particle Astrophysics
(3pm - 7pm, 1/2 hour coffee break at 4.30pm)
Convenors: L. Pieri and M. Pietroni
Room: Sala del Portego

3pm - D. Finkbeiner 
Observable consequences of eXciting Dark  Matter
3.20pm - G. Dobler
The WMAP Haze Excess and WIMP Annihilations
3.40pm - C. Munoz
A comparison between direct and indirect dark matter  search
4.20pm - F. Donato
Dark Matter in Cosmic Rays


5pm -  P. Salati
The antiproton cosmic ray signal at TeV energies
5.20pm - T. Bringmann
Gamma-ray spectra from dark matter annihilations
5.40pm - M. Fairbairn
The HR diagram of WIMP burning stars
6pm - H. Motz
Dark Matter Sensitivity of ANTARES
6.20pm - H. Zhao
Annihilation signatures of the Bullet Cluster and  other moving substructures
6.40pm -  S. Pascoli
Reconstructing WIMP properties with neutrino detectors
3pm - M. Taoso
Gamma-Rays from Dark Matter Mini-Spikes in M31
3.23pm - L. Pieri
Indirect detection of clumps inside the Milky Way
3.46pm - B. Bertucci     
Dark Matter searches with AMS-02
4.09pm - C. Giocoli
Hierarchical formation of the Milky Way with micro-solar mass resolution


5pm - J. Siegal-Gaskins
Do tidal streams constrain dark matter substructure?
5.23pm - S. Horiuchi
Dark matter annihilation from cosmological IMBH
s (PDF)
5.46pm - P. Barros
Probing the SUSY parameters through neutrino telescopes
6.09pm - J. Taylor
Dark Matter on the Smallest Scales
6.32pm - J. Diemand
Evolution of Dark Matter Structures

3pm - W. Rodejohann
Neutrino Mixing and Neutrino Telescopes
3.16pm - T. Kashti
Flavoring Astrophysical Neutrinos: Flavor Ratios Depend on Energy
3.32pm - K. Blum
Probing CP violation in neutrino oscillations with neutrino telescopes
3.48pm - D. McKay
Neutrino telescopes, cross sections and fluxes
4.04pm - O. Mena
Ultrahigh-energy neutrino flux as a probe of large extra dimensions
4.20pm - L. Maccione
Diffuse gamma-ray and neutrino emissions of the Galaxy above the TeV


5pm - A. Taylor
High-Energy Neutrinos from Astrophysical Accelerators of Cosmic Ray Nuclei
5.16pm - D. Fargion
Neutrino and SUSY signals by airshowering beyond the edge
5.32pm - G. Marsella
Time structure in shower longitudinal development with ARGO-YBJ detector
5.48pm - N. Sakurai
Telescope Array Experiment
6.04pm - S. Das
Propagation of UHE protons through a magnetized large scale structure
6.20pm - K. Ichikawa
Some discrepancies in cosmological observations and possible solutions by decaying particles
6.36pm - R. Wischnewski
Lake Baikal: Physics results and plans

Click on the speaker's name to see the abstract. In case of conflict of dates or incorrect information, please contact tev@pd.infn.it

Information for speakers: please give a pdf version of your presentation to the chairperson of your session before the beginning of the session (i. e. during lunch or coffee breaks). If you need powerpoint, please contact the convenors of your session well in advance. 

Lunch and Coffee breaks: Refreshments will be served during coffee breaks at 11am and at 4:30pm from Tuesday to Friday (no afternoon break on Friday). For lunch (not provided) participants are recommended to explore the many bars and restaurants around the Istituto Veneto.