Scientific Information
Abstract Submission
We encourage the submission of oral and poster contributions in the indicated scientific areas. The Program Committee, in consultation with the International Advisory Board, will invite plenary talks and select contributions for the parallel and poster sessions.
Call for Abstracts
On-line submission of abstracts starts on 15 October 2012 and is available until 25 January 2013 on the Conference on line abstract submission. The submitting Author will be notified, by 18 March 2013, whether the abstract has been selected for an Oral or Poster presentation. The Program Committee and the Organizing Committee reserve also the right to reject abstracts that do not match the scope of the Conference. For authors selected for an Oral or Poster presentation, registration to the conference is mandatory.
Abstract Preparation
The abstract must be written in English in A4 format.
Abstracts can be submitted on-line through the on line abstract submission only (not via email or
fax) and in PDF format only.
The selected abstracts will be processed automatically, to prepare a Book of Abstracts with
uniform format. Therefore, it is important to follow the indications that follow.
Two templates are provided: in tex and doc formats. In both cases, a PDF file with A4 format has
to be produced by the Author and uploaded. The abstract length is limited to 1 page, including
Authors and their affiliations, the abstract text, and optional figures and references.
Abstract Topics and Presentation Type
Authors are invited to select an abstract topic (only one) from the following list and to indicate their preferred presentation type (Oral or Poster).
- Nuclear structure
- Nuclear reactions
- Hot and dense nuclear matter
- Fundamental symmetries and interactions in nuclei
- Hadron structure
- Nuclear astrophysics
- Neutrinos and nuclei
- Hadrons in nuclei
- Nuclear physics based applications
- New facilities and instrumentation
Conference Proceedings
The conference proceedings will be published in electronic form with EPJ Web of Conferences, (, an open access journal from the series The European Physical Journal ( Each contributed article will be fully citable thanks to DOI (Digital Object Identifier), and will be indexed in main databases. There will be no printed version of the proceedings. All contributions to the Conference (plenary talks, parallel talks, and posters) will be reviewed by experts for publication in the proceedings. The deadline for submission of the contributions to the proceedings is 31 July 2013. Further information on the manuscript preparation will be provided in the third circular.