Particle Astrophysics 2007
27-31 August 2007 Venice, Italy |
Home 1st Announcement 2nd Announcement Local Information Organizers Topics Programme Parallel Sessions Plenary Speakers Participants Registration (will open in February) Contact |
2nd Announcement
Dear Colleague, the third edition of the “TeV Particle Astrophysics” workshop will be held in Venice from August 27 to 31, 2007. It is now possible to register (and to submit contributed talks) on the conference website ![]() Please
note that Venice is a very popular tourist destination. We strongly
recommend to make travel arrangements as soon as possible.
Workshop Schedule: August 27, welcome cocktail; August 28, 29 and 30, plenary session in the morning, parallel sessions in the afternoon; August 31, plenary session in the morning Plenary speakers: Marco Battaglia UC Berkeley, Lars Bergstrom Stockholm U., Gabriel Chardin CEA Saclay, Laura Covi DESY, Savas Dimopoulos Stanford U., Luke Drury DIAS Dublin, Anne Green Nottingham U., W. Hofmann MPIK Heidelberg, Peter Michelson Stanford U., Aldo Morselli INFN & U. "Tor Vergata", Igor Moskalenko Stanford U., Angela Olinto U. of Chicago, Chris Quigg Fermilab, Andre Rubbia ETH Zurich, Geraldine Servant CEA Saclay & CERN, Guenter Sigl APC Paris, Christian Spiering DESY Zeuthen, Eli Waxman Weizmann Institute Parallel Sessions & Convenors: 1) TeV Particle Physics, E. Baltz Stanford U., G. Servant CEA Saclay & CERN 2) Indirect Dark Matter searches, N. Fornengo INFN Torino, D. Hooper Fermilab 3) Gamma-ray Astrophysics, F. Aharonian MPIK Heidelberg & DIAS Dublin, L. Drury DIAS Dublin 4) Gamma-ray Experiments, M. Martinez IFAE, G. Sinnis LANL 5) Direct Dark Matter searches, L. Baudis Aachen, L. Kaufmann CERN 6) High Energy neutrinos, J. Beacom Ohio State U., F. Halzen U. of Wisconsin 7) Dark Matter Distribution, J. Diemand UCO/Lick Obs., J. Taylor Waterloo U. 8) Cosmic Rays, P. Blasi INAF Arcetri, D. Grasso S. Normale, Pisa Registration: The registration fee is 400 Euros until May 31 2007. For late registration and on-site registration, the fee is 470 Euros. The registration includes access to all sessions, exhibition and poster area; Conference kit including bag and conference documentation; All coffee breaks (lunch not included) and the Welcome Cocktail on Monday 27th, August 2007. For further information and online registration visit the conference website http://www.pd.infn.it/TeV Contributed talks: We welcome oral contributions in the 8 parallel sessions listed above. If you wish to give a talk, please fill in the form at http://www.pd.infn.it/paper.html A copy of the form will be automatically sent to the convenors of the corresponding session Travel: The Workshop will be hosted by the Istituto Veneto, at Palazzo Franchetti, one of the most noteworthy buildings in Venice, located in Campo S. Stefano near Piazza San Marco (click here for a map http://www.istitutoveneto.it/iv/mappa/venezia.htm ). For those arriving by plane at Marco Polo Airport, about 13 km from Venice, the easiest way to reach Venice is by sea or bus. For further information click here. http://www.istitutoveneto.it/ivinglese/presentazione/comearrivare/arrivare.htm Accomodation: Participants can either make their own reservations (there is a list of hotels on the workshop website), or let the administrative secretariat SISTEMA CONGRESSI take care of hotel reservations (with an aditional fee of 12.50 euros), by selecting the corresponding option during the registration procedure. Whatever your choice is, please keep in mind that Venice is a very popular tourist attraction, so we strongly suggest to make your travel arrangements as soon as possible. For questions on the scientific program please contact Gianfranco Bertone Bertone@pd.infn.it, for all other questions please contact tev2007@sistemacongressi.com |