Radiomics and deep learning methods for the prediction of 2-year overall survival in LUNG1 dataset
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Analysing the Main Standards for Climate-Induced Mechanical Risk in Heritage Wooden Structures: The Case of the Ringebu and Heddal Stave Churches (Norway)
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Dynamic and Facilitated Binding of Topoisomerase Accelerates Topological Relaxation
D. Michieletto, Y. A. G. Fosado, E. Melas, M. Baiesi, L. Tubiana, E. Orlandini
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Generalized equipartition for nonlinear multiplicative Langevin dynamics:
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Gianmaria Falasco, Eli Barkai, Marco Baiesi
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The rise and fall of branching: a slowing down mechanism in relaxing wormlike micellar networks
Marco Baiesi, Stefano Iubini, Enzo Orlandini
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Modelling the deceleration of COVID-19 spreading
Giacomo Barzon, Karan Kabbur Hanumanthappa Manjunatha, Wolfgang Rugel, Enzo Orlandini, and Marco Baiesi
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A thermodynamic uncertainty relation for a system with memory
Ivan Di Terlizzi and Marco Baiesi
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Explicit Solution of the Generalised Langevin Equation
Ivan Di Terlizzi, Felix Ritort, and Marco Baiesi
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Aging of living polymer networks: a model with patchy particles
Stefano Iubini, Marco Baiesi, Enzo Orlandini
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On a possible nonequilibrium imprint in the cosmic background at low frequencies
Marco Baiesi, Carlo Burigana, Livia Conti, Gianmaria Falasco, Christian Maes, Lamberto Rondoni, Tiziana Trombetti,
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Folding Rate Optimization Promotes Frustrated Interactions in Entangled Protein Structures
Federico Norbiato, Flavio Seno, Antonio Trovato, Marco Baiesi
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Rate dependence of current and fluctuations in jump models with negative differential mobility
Gianluca Teza, Stefano Iubini, Marco Baiesi, Attilio L. Stella, Carlo Vanderzande,
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Sequence and structural patterns detected in entangled proteins reveal the importance of co-translational folding
Marco Baiesi, Enzo Orlandini, Flavio Seno, Antonio Trovato,
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Kinetic Uncertainty Relation
Ivan Di Terlizzi and Marco Baiesi
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Topological Sieving of Rings According to their Rigidity
Stefano Iubini, Davide Michieletto, Enzo Orlandini, Marco Baiesi
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Fundamental Problems in Statistical Physics XIV Special Issue
Marco Baiesi, Alberto Rosso, Thomas Speck,
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Life efficiency does not always increase with the dissipation rate
Marco Baiesi and Christian Maes,
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Exploring the correlation between the folding rates of proteins and the entanglement of their native states
Marco Baiesi, Enzo Orlandini, Flavio Seno, Antonio Trovato,
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Thermal response of a Fermi-Pasta-Ulam chain with Andersen thermostats
Federico D'Ambrosio and Marco Baiesi,
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A general fluctuation-response relation for noise variations and its application to driven hydrodynamic experiments
Cem Yolcu, Antoine Berut, Gianmaria Falasco, Artyom Petrosyan, Sergio Ciliberto, Marco Baiesi,
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Linking in domain-swapped protein dimers
M. Baiesi, E. Orlandini, A. Trovato, F. Seno
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Mesoscopic virial equation for nonequilibrium statistical mechanics
G. Falasco, F. Baldovin, K. Kroy, M. Baiesi,
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Thermal response of nonequilibrium RC circuits
M. Baiesi, S. Ciliberto, G.Falasco, and C. Yolcu
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Self-similar aftershock rates
J. Davidsen and M. Baiesi
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Nonequilibrium temperature response for stochastic overdamped systems
G. Falasco and M. Baiesi,
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Linear response of hydrodynamically-coupled particles under a nonequilibrium reservoir
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Torque-Induced Rotational Dynamics in Polymers: Torsional Blobs and Thinning
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Temperature response in nonequilibrium stochastic systems
G. Falasco and M. Baiesi,
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Role of trapping and crowding as sources of negative differential mobility
M. Baiesi, A. L. Stella, and C. Vanderzande,
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Inflow rate, a time-symmetric observable obeying fluctuation relations
M. Baiesi and G. Falasco,
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Energy repartition for a harmonic chain with local reservoirs
G. Falasco, M. Baiesi, L. Molinaro, L. Conti, and F. Baldovin,
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Generalized Omori-Utsu law for aftershock sequences in southern California
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Rings in Random Environments: Sensing Disorder Through Topology
D. Michieletto, M. Baiesi, E. Orlandini, and M. S. Turner,
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Thermal response in driven diffusive systems
M. Baiesi, U. Basu, and C. Maes,
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Rotational dynamics of entangled polymers
J.-C. Walter, M. Leleman, M. Baiesi, and E. Carlon,
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Unwinding Dynamics of a Helically Wrapped Polymer
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Interacting elastic lattice polymers: A study of the free energy of globular rings
Marco Baiesi and Enzo Orlandini,
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Nonequilibrium fluctuation-dissipation theorem and heat production
Eugenio Lippiello, Marco Baiesi, and Alessandro Sarracino,
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Models of DNA Denaturation Dynamics: Universal Properties
M. Baiesi and E. Carlon
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Triggering cascades and statistical properties of aftershocks
Chad Gu, Aicko Y. Schumann, Marco Baiesi, and Joern Davidsen
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Unwinding relaxation dynamics of polymers
Jean-Charles Walter, Marco Baiesi, Gerard Barkema, and Enrico Carlon
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An update on nonequilibrium linear response
M. Baiesi and C. Maes,
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Universal properties of knotted polymer rings
Marco Baiesi and Enzo Orlandini,
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First-order coil-globule transition driven by vibrational entropy
Carlo Maffi, Marco Baiesi, Lapo Casetti, Francesco Piazza, and Paolo De Los Rios,
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Fibril elongation mechanisms of HET-s prion-forming domain: Topological evidence for growth polarity
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Topological Signatures of Globular Polymers
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The modified Sutherland-Einstein relation for diffusive non-equilibria
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Unwinding dynamics of double-stranded polymers
M. Baiesi, G. T. Barkema, E.Carlon, and D. Panja,
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Elastic Lattice Polymers
M. Baiesi, G. T. Barkema, and E.Carlon,
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The entropic cost to tie a knot
M. Baiesi, E. Orlandini, and A. L. Stella,
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A lattice polymer study of DNA renaturation dynamics
A. Ferrantini, M. Baiesi, and E. Carlon,
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Breakdown of thermodynamic equilibrium for DNA hybridization in microarrays
J. Hooyberghs, M. Baiesi, A. Ferrantini, and E. Carlon,
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Nonequilibrium linear response for Markov dynamics, II: inertial dynamics
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Nonequilibrium linear response for Markov dynamics, I: jump processes and overdamped diffusions
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Interplay between writhe and knotting for swollen and compact polymers
M. Baiesi, E. Orlandini, and S. G. Whittington,
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Exact computation of current cumulants in small Markovian systems
M. Baiesi, C. Maes, and C. Netocny,
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Scaling in Denaturating DNA
M. Baiesi, E. Carlon, E. Orlandini, and A. L. Stella,
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